Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fiesta Yellows and Oranges

It is time for Tablescape Thursday over at Between Naps on the Porch. 
I found the napkins some time last year at my favorite thrift store.  They are April Cornell. They had the original price tag of $16.00. I paid $2.99. I was saving them for a Spring table but never got around to it.  Then came the napkin rings.  They are also April Cornell and they were a gift from my friend. I love the birds on the napkins. I apologize for the pictures. I barely got my camera to turn on but I am still posting because I didn't want to miss the party.

The Fiesta colors are in the new Marigold, Yellow, Sunflower, Paprika, Persimmon, Tangerine and Shamrock. The table cloth was given to my mom by her aunt who I considered as my grandmother. My grandmothers had passed on long before I was born. My mom added the lace to make it fit her table. It has stains and a few holes but I still love it just the same.  My mom used take it out for Thanksgiving. The place mats were also a gift. I love that I can't run the risk of shrinking these.

At first when I found the yellow bowl, I thought it was a large mixing bowl but when I got home and washed it I realized it was the bottom of the casserole dish. I have the lid in Yellow and this bowl is in Sunflower. It works.
This is new Fiesta Rice/Dessert bowl. These were also a gift. When I received these I knew I had to use them on this table.  The Marigold was the final piece.
The pitcher is one of my favorite Fiesta shapes and Persimmon is my favorite color.
My hubby let me play with my dishes while he made dinner.
I hope you have a great.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Fun colors on your table! And you have wonderful Fiesta pieces! Your table looks fun and cheerful. Have a great day!

  2. Those colors go so nicely together...very pretty table, Monica.

  3. I remember when I was a teen ager I worked for a lady who owned a tourist home and her dishes were the original fiesta ware. I had to wash them every sat.They were later said they had lead in them.They do make a colorful table and and can make them to mix and match in so many ways. thanks for stopping by.

  4. Monica, thank you so much for stopping by my blog. After you told me about your watermelon tablescape, I just had to stop by and see it for myself. Isn't it amazing how the same theme can be interpreted so differently? I love that watermelon votive and the white wire basket. I've been looking for a similar one to fill it with fruit. I really enjoy how you use Fiestaware. Your table is wonderful.

  5. Oh, and you've also beat me to the punch on your All-Star Baseball theme. I've been toying with the idea of doing a baseball tablescape, but was hoping to do it when the Cubs were having a good season. This year, unfortunately, they are doing awful. I think I'll save this one for next year. There's always next year.

  6. There is a product called Vintage Soak. I buy mine from The Antique House, 405-495-2221. If you cloth is natural fibers, I'd be pretty secure in telling you that it will safely remove the any stains on your treasured cloth...just follow the directions. You have a marvelous collection of Fiesta. Thank you for sharing it with us. Cherry Kay

  7. Hi lovely lady.
    I love the Fiesta Ware so vintage and Beautiful. I have eight dark blue dinner plates. I need to put a tablescape together with them... Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my new post... I hope you have a great week...
    XXOO Diane

  8. Oh, those colors look so wonderful together, Monica!


I would love to hear what you think of my dishes. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you come back to visit again soon.